Jessica Bigirindavyi was most recently the African American Community Engagement Director, on the DFL Party coalitions team during the 2020 election. In this role, she worked to elevate the concerns and needs of the community. She saw firsthand the significance of community representatives in the party structure; they are vital for the continual success of not only the DFL Party, but for the systematic changes needed in Minnesota to ensure that everyone has access to equitable opportunities and growth. Jessica previously worked with the DFL Party as a Field Organizer in the 2018 midterm election where she created two strategic, district-wide, door knocking and phone banking plans to turn out voters. She has a history of working with diverse communities and is committed to social justice and civic engagement.

Born in Burundi, East Africa, Jessica immigrated to Minnesota at the age of 6 and earned her bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication from State Cloud State University. Complementing her professional work, Jessica enjoys being on the board of Open Your Heart and Women Winning Launch Committee.