Be a County Liaison

Sign up to serve as a DFL Voter Protection County Liaison!

County Liaisons are among the most important members of the Voter Protection Team. The DFL Voter Protection Director, together with the DFL Coordinated Campaign, provides consistent training and assistance for County Liaisons.

Before Election Day: 

  • County Liaisons focus on building a good relationship with local election officials to enhance communication between the county election officials and the DFL on Election Day. 
  • The Liaison also provides early warning on potential issues, advocates for the Voter Protection Team’s goals, and obtains information essential to an effective Election Day.

On Election Day & during the absentee voting period: 

  • County Liaisons will be responsible for helping the DFL communicate with election officials in their assigned county to resolve issues.

After Election Day: 

  • County Liaisons will attend the County Canvass Boards. 
  • Under state law, county canvass boards meet at the county auditor’s office between the third and tenth days following the general election to, “promptly and publicly” canvass the general election returns.
  • The post-election period is particularly important when an election is closed and County Liaisons are essential to a successful recount (if a recount is necessary).